Research Progress Report by Stéphanie Cherqui, PhD, University of California, San Diego and Corinne Antignac, MD, PhD, Imagine Institute, Paris, France

CRF awarded a research grant in 2017 to Stéphanie Cherqui, PhD, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, at the University of California, San Diego, and Corinne Antignac, MD, PhD, Professor, Laboratory of Hereditary Kidney Diseases, at Imagine Institute, in Paris. The study was designed to gather intra-dermal images of the skin from patients with cystinosis through confocal microscopy as a method to estimate the number of cystine crystals in the tissue. CRF has contributed over $400,000 to this important study that aims to improve the understanding of the pathology of cystinosis. Download a copy of the report.

