CRF Awards $2,629,490 For 2020 Spring Research Grants

2020 Spring Grants Announced

This past Spring, CRF funded 10 new grants, 4 research grant extensions, and
1 lab equipment grant, totaling more than $2,629,490  for cystinosis research. And since 2003, CRF has funded 200 multi-year grants in 12 countries which has made CRF the largest funder of cystinosis research in the world.  Thank you to everyone who has supported and contributed to CRF over the years – every single penny has helped make a cure for cystinosis possible. Together, we shine bright!  

Sergio Catz, PhD, Research Mentor 
Raquel Carvalho Gontijo, PhD, Research Fellow 
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California 
“Novel Mechanistic and Translational Studies of Neutrophil-Mediated
Inflammation in Cystinosis” 
$150,000.00 – Two-year study 
Sergio Catz, PhD, Research Mentor 
Farhana Rahman, PhD, Research Fellow 
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California 
“Molecular Trafficking Regulators of Dynamic Organelles in Cystinosis” 
$150,000.00 – Two-year study 
Pierre Courtoy, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator 
Christophe Pierreux, PhD, Co-Principal Investigator 
de Duve Institute, Louvain University Medical School 
Brussels, Belgium ($5,500) 
Laura Rega, PhD,  Principal Investigator  
Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy ($37,301) 
“Secondary Treatment of Ctns -/- Rats by Oral Dibasic Amino-Acids, with Focus on Fanconi Syndrome” 
$42,801.00 – Six-month study
Shawn Davidson, PhD, Principal Investigator 
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 
“Metabolomics of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Therapy in Ctns -/- Mice” 
$160,244 – One-year study 
Olivier Devuyst, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator 
Alessandro Luciani, PhD, Co-Principal Investigator 
University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland 
“New Model Systems for Integrated Drug Discovery in Cystinosis” 
$290,000. 00 – Two-year study 
Morgan Fedorchak, PhD, Principal Investigator 
Kanwal Nichal, MD, FRCO, Co-Principal Investigator 
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 
“Development of a Topical Controlled Release Cysteamine Eye Drop” 
$410,810.00 – Two-year study 
Liang Feng, PhD, Research Mentor
Xue Guo, PhD, Research Fellow 
Stanford University, Stanford, California 
“Molecular Mechanisms of Cystinosis” 
$150,000.00 – Two-year study 
Jennifer Hollywood, PhD, Principal Investigator 
Alan Davidson, PhD, Co-Principal Investigator 
University of Auckland, New Zealand 
“A Pre-Clinical Drug Study Using Cysteamine/Everolimus Combination Therapy to Treat Cystinosis Knock-Out Rats” 
$200,530.00 – Two-year study 
Sophie Molholm, PhD, Principal Investigator 
John Foxe, PhD, Co-Principal Investigator 
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York 
“The Development of Neuromarkers of Cognitive Disfunction in Cystinosis”
$333,164.00 – Two-year study
ichael Sekar, PhD, Principal Investigator 
Laura Rega, PhD, Co-Principal Investigator 
Amma Therapeutics, Inc., Hayward, California 
“Development of a Once-Daily Subcutaneous Injection of Cysteamine Bitartrate” 
$304,064.00 – One-year study 
Grant Extensions 
Corinne Antignac, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator 
IMAGINE Institute, Paris, France
“Intra-Dermal Imaging of Subjects with Cystinosis Using Confocal Microscopy”
$31,306.00 – One-year extension 
Stéphanie Cherqui, PhD, Principal Investigator 
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 
“Intra-Dermal Imaging of Subjects with Cystinosis Using Confocal Microscopy” 
$102,755.00 – One-year extension 
Olivier Devuyst, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator 
University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland 
“Development and Characterization of a Rat Model of Cystinosis” 
$115,500.00 – One-year extension
Francesco Emma, MD, Principal Investigator 
Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, IRCCS, Rome, Italy 
“Development and Characterization of a Rat Model of Cystinosis” 
$105,996.00 – One-year extension
Equipment Grant 
Stéphanie Cherqui, PhD 
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 
$82,320.00 – Purchase Total
